Racial Justice Candidate Pledge
All candidates for local, state and Congressional offices seeking endorsement pledge the following:
- I affirm that Black Lives Matter.
- I commit to working to tear down systemic racism and invest in communities that have been harmed and continue to be harmed by racism and violence.
- If running for a local and or county-level elected office, I commit to fostering dialogue between law enforcement leadership and local community-based and identity-based organizations in my city or district.
- I commit to funding programs that invest in health care, jobs, education and services and resources for communities of color.
- If running for a state or federal elected office, I commit to supporting legislation seeking atonement for the impact of slavery, Jim Crow, and systemic inequalities that impact Black Americans.
- I commit to advocating for all law enforcement agencies under my purview to be subject to oversight by a robust and independent Civilian Oversight Commission that will investigate police use of force, and issue regular findings and reports on police involved shootings and other incidents. These bodies should have subpoena power and full investigatory powers.